AT five minutes to two, Tuesday afternoon, an alarm was sounded from box 59, and the cry was heard that Memorial Hall was on fire. Several recitations were dismissed at once, and nearly the whole College turned out to see the conflagration. Five engines and several members of the Faculty appeared on the spot. The excitement abated when it was found that the smoke was caused by the fuel used in the furnaces.
THE following table shows the sizes of the classes during the past four years:-
1875-76. 1876-77. 1877-78. 1878-79.
Sen., 148 192 168 200
Jun., 194 175 208 174
Soph., 182 222 198 218
Fresh., 252 232 239 227
----- ----- ----- -----
Total, 776 821 813 819
THE S. Paul's Society will distribute to the poor of Cambridge any cast-off clothing or other contributions which students may give for that purpose. Contributors sending word to the "Charity Committee" of the society at 17 Grays, and stating when they will be at their rooms, will be waited upon by the messenger of the Committee. All members of the University are cordially invited to the evening services of the society on Wednesdays-at 7, and to the afternoon services on Fridays from 520 to 5.30.
THE second forensic of the first half of the Senior Class is due on the first Tuesday in January. Subject: "Is Conscience Infallible?" References: Hodgson's "Theory of Practice," Grote's "Moral Ideals," Cobbe's "Intuitive Morals," Stewart's "Active and Moral Power," Butler's "Ethical Discourses," "Treatises on Moral Philosophy" (Stewart's, Paley's, Wayland's, Hopkins's Peabody's). The second half of the class hand in their forensic on the second Tuesday in January. Subject: "Does an oath enhance one's obligation to tell the truth or to keep a promise?" References: (affirmative) most of the books named above; (negative) Barclay's "Apology," Bates's "Doctrines of the Friends," Dymond's "Principles of Morality," Peabody's "Moral Philosophy."
A MEETING will be held at 22 Beck Hall, on Monday, November 25, at 8 P. M., for the purpose of organizing a Freshman Lacrosse Club. All members of '82, interested, are requested to attend.
AT a meeting of the graduates and present members of the Nine, held in Boston on Thursday, November 7, addresses were made by President Ernst and Captain Thayer, which were enthusiastically received, the prospects for the coming year were fully discussed, and regarded as extremely promising. Robert Winsor, '80, was unanimously elected Captain to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Wright. Jireh Swift, '79, was elected Manager for the coming year.
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Secret Societies of the University of Chicago.