ARTICLE IX. - REPORTS.At the annual meeting, the Executive Committee, through the President, shall make a full report of their proceedings during the previous year, and recommend such measures as they may deem advisable; the Treasurer shall present a detailed report of the finances.
ARTICLE X. - ELECTION OF OFFICERS.In all elections of officers a plurality of votes shall elect.
ARTICLE XI. - MEMBERSHIP.Active members shall be admitted to all the advantages of the Association; past members shall have free admission to all meetings of the Association, but shall not compete in the sports unless in the case of a Graduate or open race.
No member of the University shall be admitted to witness any sports unless he be a member of the Association. None but active members of the Association shall be allowed to enter as competitors in any sport, except in case of open or Graduate sports.
Every member shall be entitled for each Field Meeting of the Association to 1st, one member's ticket; 2d, two complimentary tickets to be given to persons in no way connected with the University, Faculty and Instructors excepted. For the Gymnasium meetings each member shall be entitled to a member's ticket; other tickets shall be sold to members only, 25 cents each.
No member may enter for any sports which are not confined to amateurs, nor compete with professionals for prizes, etc.
ARTICLE XII. - HONORARY MEMBERSHIP.It shall be in the power of the Executive Committee to elect gentlemen connected with the University to be honorary members of the Association, who shall be entitled to take part in all contests; but each shall be a member for one year only, at the end of which time he shall be re-eligible; and the number of such members shall never at one time exceed five.
ARTICLE XIII. - EXPULSION.Any member may be expelled from the Association by a three-fourths vote of the Executive Committee, who is guilty of any misconduct or gross violation of any rule, or for nonpayment of dues within two weeks after they are levied.
ARTICLE XIV. - ASSESSMENT.The Executive Committee shall have power at any time to levy an assessment not exceeding one dollar to defray necessary expenses of the Association.
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