The President shall preside at all meetings, and enforce all laws and regulations of the Club. In his absence the Vice-President shall perform his duties; should no Vice-President be present at a meeting, a Chairman shall be chosen by vote of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE II. - TREASURER.The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Club, receive all dues, and pay all bills. He shall make a written report and exhibit his accounts at the Annual Meeting; his books shall, at all times, be open to the inspection of any member of the Executive Committee, and he may be removed by the Executive Committee at any time, for refusal to exhibit them, or for any misconduct in the affairs of his office.
ARTICLE III. - SECRETARY.The Secretary shall issue all proper notices, keep a record of the meetings of the Club, the proceedings of the Executive Committee, and all other matters concerning which a record shall be deemed advisable by him or by the Executive Committee. It shall be his duty to receive all challenges for competitions, and to immediately notify, in writing, the party challenged. He shall also conduct all correspondence appertaining to his office.
ARTICLE IV. - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.The Executive Committee shall have the full management and control of the property and affairs of the Association. They shall enforce the preservation of order and obedience to the Constitution, Laws, and Rules of the Association; shall make or authorize all necessary contracts and purchases; shall have power to employ such servants and assistants, and make such regulations for the economy and success of the Association, as they shall deem proper. They shall elect a Field Marshal to take charge of all the sports, and shall appoint all the Judges, Timekeepers, etc., that they think necessary.
ARTICLE V. - VACANCIES.Should any office in the Association become vacant for any reason, it may be filled at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE VI - MEETINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION.The annual meeting shall be held as early as possible in October of each year for the election of officers and such other business as may be brought before it. The members present shall constitute a quorum.
ARTICLE VII. - MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.The Executive Committee, of which six shall constitute a quorum, shall bold meetings on such days as they may elect, and special meetings may be called by the Secretary at the request of the President, Vice-President, or any two of the Committee, upon due notice sent or given to each member.
ARTICLE VIII. - SPECIAL MEETINGS.A special meeting of the Association shall be called whenever the President or the Executive Committee shall consider one expedient, or whenever the President or Vice-President shall be requested to call one by the written request of twenty-five members, setting forth the purposes thereof.
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