THAT was a neat compliment the last Advocate paid the Crimson.
"I 'll study the Crimson's magnificent style."
This is a most sensible resolution on the part of the Advocate. Copies can be had at Sever's.
ALL persons wishing to join the Rifle Club will find the Secretary, Mr. Russell, at 44 Thayer.
THE speaking for the Boylston Prizes is to take place this year on the second Thursday in May, instead of on the day before Class Day, as heretofore.
ALL those who intend to join the Athletic Association will find the Secretary in his room, Grays 42, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 P. M.
AN entrance fee of $1.00 will be charged to every competitor in the sports of the H. A. A. on November 2. The money will be returned to all who cover the entire distance.
THE Rifle Club will hold a match to-morrow with the Medford team at Medford. It is very creditable to the club that they have succeeded in organizing a team so early in the term.
NO official notice has yet been given that the privilege of voluntary recitations has been extended to the Junior class, although information that it is so is given to inquirers at the office.
MEMBERS of Latin 6 were glad to learn from Pliny that the Romans looked upon going to recitations as a waste of time and a nuisance. In these degenerate days it is pleasant to think that some of the qualities of the men of old are still left among us.
MR. TESHEMACHER, '78, offers a prize racquet to be played for under the following rules:-
1. Open to all members of the University.
2. To be played for under the new rules.
3. 50 cents admission to go towards buying balls, and, if there should be a sufficient number of entries, providing a second prize.
4. Games to begin on Monday, October 21.
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