

IT is rumored that the Faculty have engaged Daniel Pratt to give a course of lectures in Philosophy 5.

THE second ten of the Institute of 1770 is: McCurdy, Sanger, W. A. Howe, Brandegee, Fay, C. H. W. Foster, Harvey, Mills, Barton, and Nesmith.

THE Reading of Sophomores for the Lee Prizes takes place next Thursday. No one is allowed to compete who did not receive instruction in his Freshman year.

"IT is the cores, it is the cores, my soul," as the Freshman remarked when almost choked by the Memorial Hall apple-sauce.

GENERAL LISTER intends to give a lecture in a few months on "The Military Art in Ancient and Modern Times." In it he will give an account of many of his personal experiences.


IN Philosophy 4 the text-book will be Spencer's Principles of Psychology, instead of Bain's works, as advertised. This change is rendered necessary by the impossibility of obtaining the latter books.

A FRESHMAN last week started out late in the evening to find 14 Highland Street and leave with the Dean an excuse from prayers for the rest of the year. "Never put off until to-morrow," eleventh hour," etc, etc.

THE stewards of the Athletic Association appointed by the officers are as follows: W. G. Twombley, F. M. Ware, of '79; T. Roosevelt, R. Trimble, of '80; G. P. Upham, R. H. McCurdy, of '81; W. Kane, F. Warren, of '82.

FRESHMAN No. 1 (just finishing a glass of cream soda at Bartlett's). - What is the Greek for drink?

FRESHMAN No. 2. - Don't you know? Why ???, of course.

OMNES. - O, yes. (Fact.)

THE following officers of the Hasty Pudding Club have been elected for the next half-year: President, J. T. Bowen; Vice-President, I. T. Burr, Jr.; Secretary, W. Bates; Treasurer, F. C. Martin; Librarian, W. T. Cox; Kp, E. Hale.

A PROFESSOR is credited with the following: "Nothing can exceed the stupidity of a Freshman when he first comes here, unless it is his conceit after he has been here a few months and thinks that he knows everything."

The officers of the Glee Club are: President, G. R. Sheldon, '79; Vice-President, W. Sheafe, Jr., '79; Secretary, J. S. How, '81; Treasurer, H. Chapin, '79. The club will be led this year by their last year's leader, R. Heard, '79.

OFFICERS of Art Club: President, Waldron Bates, '79; Secretary, William B. Clark, '80; Treasurer, Howard Townsend, '80; Curator, William T. Blodgett, '80; Executive Committee, Bates, Rindge, '79, Clark, Townsend, Blodgett, '80.

THAT was a neat compliment the last Advocate paid the Crimson.

"I 'll study the Crimson's magnificent style."

This is a most sensible resolution on the part of the Advocate. Copies can be had at Sever's.

ALL persons wishing to join the Rifle Club will find the Secretary, Mr. Russell, at 44 Thayer.

THE speaking for the Boylston Prizes is to take place this year on the second Thursday in May, instead of on the day before Class Day, as heretofore.

ALL those who intend to join the Athletic Association will find the Secretary in his room, Grays 42, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 P. M.

AN entrance fee of $1.00 will be charged to every competitor in the sports of the H. A. A. on November 2. The money will be returned to all who cover the entire distance.

THE Rifle Club will hold a match to-morrow with the Medford team at Medford. It is very creditable to the club that they have succeeded in organizing a team so early in the term.

NO official notice has yet been given that the privilege of voluntary recitations has been extended to the Junior class, although information that it is so is given to inquirers at the office.

MEMBERS of Latin 6 were glad to learn from Pliny that the Romans looked upon going to recitations as a waste of time and a nuisance. In these degenerate days it is pleasant to think that some of the qualities of the men of old are still left among us.

MR. TESHEMACHER, '78, offers a prize racquet to be played for under the following rules:-

1. Open to all members of the University.

2. To be played for under the new rules.

3. 50 cents admission to go towards buying balls, and, if there should be a sufficient number of entries, providing a second prize.

4. Games to begin on Monday, October 21.

A book for entries will be left at Bartlett's.

ON Tuesday the Nine encountered the Beacons on the Boston grounds, and sustained a defeat at their hands by a score of 11 vs. 6. Winsor pitched for the University, and did exceedingly well for a debutant. Howe was suffering from sore hands, and made numerous errors on that account. A fine running fly-catch by Alger and a remarkable stop by Coolidge were the most interesting features of the game. Base hits, Beacon 8, Harvard 6. Errors, Beacon 10, Harvard 16.

A NUMBER of graduates who are interested in the future of our University Crew have decided to discuss the boating interests of the College at a dinner in Boston. As this dinner has been unavoidably postponed until next Tuesday, the meeting of the H. U. B. C. in Holden has been deferred until Wednesday evening of next week. Former members of the 'Varsity will be present, and Mr. Roberts, the Treasurer, will give a detailed statement of the financial condition of the club.

THE Reading Room Association already have on file in Lower Massachusetts the following periodicals:

Dailies. - Boston Advertiser, Post, Journal, Globe, Herald, Transcript; New York Herald, World, Times, Tribune, Graphic; Cincinnati Commercial; Louisville Courier; Chicago Tribune; St. Louis Republican; Springfield Republican; Worcester Evening Gazette; San Francisco Evening Post; New York Semi-weekly Post.

Weeklies. - Nation, Harper's, Leslie's, Punch, London Times and Graphic, Living Age, Scientific American, Forest and Stream, Woman's Journal, Independent, Congregationalist, Universalist, Watchman, Zion's Herald, Messiah's Herald, Missionary Magazine and Herald. Sunday editions of Boston Herald, New York Herald and World, Chicago Times.

Monthlies. - Atlantic, Harper's, Scribner's, Popular Science and Supplement, Literary World, North American Review.
