TWENTY-ONE men lost their degrees in '77.
MR. JOHN WILLIAMS WHITE has been appointed Assistant Professor of Greek for five years.
IN the game with the Rhode Islands on the 25th, the Nine was defeated by a score of 4 to 2.
THE Nine played Trinity, Saturday, June 29. Score 29 to 4 in our favor. Tyng made two home runs.
THERE were reunions on Commencement of the classes of '29, '38, '42, '44, '46-'74 inclusive, and '76.
THE class of '52 had their quarter-century dinner at the Union Club; the class of '42 dined at the Revere.
ST. MARK'S School graduated a class of 16, of whom 8 come to Harvard, 4 go to Yale, and one goes to Brown.
THE number of deaths of the College alumni reported during the year is 66; Medical School, 2 Law School, 6; Theological, 3.
ANY one would naturally infer that the Yard would now wear a deserted air, - and he would be right.
TWO hundred and fifty-one have applied for admission to the Freshman class, and one hundred and ninety-two were in attendance at the preliminary examinations.
THE Faculty at one time, while President Hayes was keeping them waiting, seriously considered the question of not granting him his degree on the ground of "negligence in required work."
PROFESSOR SIBLEY has resigned the position of Librarian, which he has filled so long and so ably. The position has been offered to Mr. Winsor, Librarian of the Boston Public Libraries.
BY a stupid rule now enforced, no man can occupy his or any other room during the summer unless he has re-engaged his last year's room. There is no reason why common-sense should not be just as necessary in the Bursar's office as elsewhere.
IT is an inexplicable problem what became of the immense amount of blue bunting so conspicuous at the end of the first mile of the boat-race, so conspicuous by its entire absence at the end of twenty-two minutes after the signal start was given.
HOW long must we wait before undergraduate ushers will learn that it is decidedly not the correct thing, on Commencement Day at least, to leap over the railing in Sanders Theatre between parquet circle and parquet while in the presence of a respectable audience?
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