TWENTY-ONE men lost their degrees in '77.
MR. JOHN WILLIAMS WHITE has been appointed Assistant Professor of Greek for five years.
IN the game with the Rhode Islands on the 25th, the Nine was defeated by a score of 4 to 2.
THE Nine played Trinity, Saturday, June 29. Score 29 to 4 in our favor. Tyng made two home runs.
THERE were reunions on Commencement of the classes of '29, '38, '42, '44, '46-'74 inclusive, and '76.
THE class of '52 had their quarter-century dinner at the Union Club; the class of '42 dined at the Revere.
ST. MARK'S School graduated a class of 16, of whom 8 come to Harvard, 4 go to Yale, and one goes to Brown.
THE number of deaths of the College alumni reported during the year is 66; Medical School, 2 Law School, 6; Theological, 3.
ANY one would naturally infer that the Yard would now wear a deserted air, - and he would be right.
TWO hundred and fifty-one have applied for admission to the Freshman class, and one hundred and ninety-two were in attendance at the preliminary examinations.
THE Faculty at one time, while President Hayes was keeping them waiting, seriously considered the question of not granting him his degree on the ground of "negligence in required work."
PROFESSOR SIBLEY has resigned the position of Librarian, which he has filled so long and so ably. The position has been offered to Mr. Winsor, Librarian of the Boston Public Libraries.
BY a stupid rule now enforced, no man can occupy his or any other room during the summer unless he has re-engaged his last year's room. There is no reason why common-sense should not be just as necessary in the Bursar's office as elsewhere.
IT is an inexplicable problem what became of the immense amount of blue bunting so conspicuous at the end of the first mile of the boat-race, so conspicuous by its entire absence at the end of twenty-two minutes after the signal start was given.
HOW long must we wait before undergraduate ushers will learn that it is decidedly not the correct thing, on Commencement Day at least, to leap over the railing in Sanders Theatre between parquet circle and parquet while in the presence of a respectable audience?
THE following Overseers were elected on Commencement Day: For six years, - O. W. Holmes, Jr., James Elliot Cabot, Stephen Salisbury, William Amory, Francis Greenwood Peabody. For five years, - Moorfield Story.
OWING to the thoughtful and energetic efforts of the President to keep order in the Yard at whatever sacrifice of dignity, the few solitary residents during the last week have enjoyed the conversation of the cultivated and affable Port peeler on their very doorsteps.
AT their meeting on Commencement Day the Overseers passed the following resolution : -
Resolved, That by the decease of Edmund Quincy; a member of this Board, the University has been deprived of one of its most loyal men. Faithful to his duties of observation, his latest hours were expended in the to him agreeable duty of noting the proficiency of the scholars from whose presence he issued so suddenly to die. An independent thinker, an exact scholar, and an accomplished author, he leaves behind him a reputation equally honorable to the institution which developed his talents and to his own fidelity to the trusts reposed in him.
THE oldest living graduates belong to the class of 1804, and are William Freeman, Esq., of Cherryfield, Me, aged 94, and Joseph Head, of Newton, aged 92.
AT their meeting held on Commencement Day, the Class of 1859 passed resolutions expressing deep sorrow at the loss of their beloved and honored classmate, Heyward Cutting, of New York.
THE summer residents are having a delightful game of hide-and-seek with the conscientious night-watchman: each man on leaving the building leaves the latch up, the watchman emerges from behind the tree and puts it down; the next man leaves it up, down goes it again. This is repeated ad infinitum, and is just now beginning to become a bore.
IT is to be hoped that the College will continue to have a Latin Salutatory on Commencement Day as successful, as intelligible, as appropriate, as was Mr. Strobel's, rather than some learned disquisition on some abstruse, uninteresting subject. It is almost without precedent for a Latin oration to be applauded during its delivery, as was that of last Commencement.
THE Association of the Alumni have elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Samuel Eliot; Vice-Presidents, George S. Hillard, Henry W. Bellows, Thomas Donaldson, Henry Lee, Manning F. Frost, Joseph H. Choate, Phillips Brooks, Francis J. Child, Henry J. Bigelow, William C. Endicott; Directors, Theodore Lyman, Henry S. Russell, Arthur Lincoln, Charles Eliot Norton, James Lawrence, William Brandt Storer, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.; Treasurer, S. Lothrop Thorndike; Secretary, Samuel A. Green.
THE following table shows the graduates from the academical departments of five leading Colleges : -
Harvard 168
Yale 116
Amherst 73
Dartmouth 53
Columbia 26
Trinity 20
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