- The summer term began at Williams last Friday. The Seniors have three studies, Natural Theology, Logic, and Astronomy.
- Mt. Holyoke Seminary has thirty teachers, four lecturers, including the Rev. Joseph Cook, and two hundred and sixty-two scholars.
- The '76 quartette of Williams will give a concert during the spring vacation, in New York City, in behalf of some charitable enterprise.
- Michigan University has in attendance 1,111 students, apportioned among the various departments as follows: Department of science, literature, and arts, 369; law, 309; medicine and surgery, 285; homoeopathic, 51; dental school, 33.
- The Princeton Faculty have issued the following: "Whereas the Faculty have learned to their entire satisfaction that intoxicating liquors can be obtained at Karl Hellerman's, therefore all students are forbidden to enter his restaurant for any purpose whatever."
- There is an unusually small number of students now in attendance at the Canadian colleges. The University of Toronto has but 48 students, Trinity 29, and Knox 80.
- Both Professors Douglass and Rose, who were implicated in the embezzlement of funds while they had charge of the laboratory of Michigan University, have been dismissed, and will be prosecuted in the courts.