

Teacher. O, you can go some Saturday when the students are not there. At any rate, I should not like to trust my lambs to those wolves.

A COMPARISON of the number of volumes in some of the largest libraries of the country shows the Harvard Library to be the third. The following are the figures: Library of Congress, 300,000; Boston Public Library, 299,869; Harvard, 227,650; Mercantile Library of New York, 160,613; Astor Library, 152,446; and Yale College Library, 114,200.

A MEETING of the Junior class was held on Monday evening to adopt some plan for defraying a still outstanding debt of between three and four hundred dollars, incurred by the class crew. It was unanimously decided to raise the necessary funds by subscription, the subscribed amounts to be paid in monthly instalments for the three remaining months of the term, or until the debt is paid.

AT a meeting of the executive committee of the Boat Club, on Monday, it was decided that hereafter no one will be allowed to join the clubs for less than one year, except Seniors, who may join for the spring by paying $6.66. The fee for the whole year is $10.00, in advance. Some further steps were taken to complete the purchase of the boats from Mr. Blakey. The rule that members of the clubs must first become members of the H. U. B. C. is to be enforced.

SUBSCRIPTIONS for the University crew, April 1:-


Subscribed. Paid.

Seniors $700.00 $441.00

Juniors 791.00 472.50

Sophomores 868.50 598.00

Freshmen 965.00 635.00

Others 178.50 75.50

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$3,503.00 $2,222.00
