

THE Holyoke crew, as at present made up, is as follows; Brewster, '79 (stroke); Parker, '78; Willison, '77; J. A. Stiles, '77; Hastings, '78; Holmes, '78 (bow).

WE wonder what was the intention of the man who fitted up the interior of University, in putting the seats, in all the rooms where it was possible, so as to face the light.

MR. T. W. Higginson, Newport, R. I., and Mr. Roger Wolcott, 8 Pemberton Square, Boston, will receive propositions of the names of candidates for the office of Overseer.

AT the last meeting of K. N. the following officers were elected: President, A. B. Weimer; Vice-President, F. J. Kanlett; Secretary, H. N. Perry; Treasurer, D. W. Lord.

THE wooden pinnacles now being put up in the tower of Memorial Hall are simply temporary, and if their appearance proves acceptable, they will be replaced by copper-plated ones.


THE Spring recess will extend from April 11 to April 17. both days included. No absences taken to anticipate or prolong this recess will be excused by the Faculty. - Bulletin Board.

THE Lampoon pictures, which have heretofore been printed from zinc plates, will hereafter be done directly from stone. Owing to this change, the Lampoon has been delayed this week, but it will be out on Monday.

THE Nine have thus far arranged the following games for the spring: April 12, Live Oaks, Lynn; April 14, Bostons, Boston; April 17, Bostons, Boston; April 21, Rhode-Islands, Providence; May 5, Brown, Providence; May 12, Amherst, at Amherst; May 19, Princeton, at Princeton; May 26, Yale, at New Haven; June 8, Princeton, at Cambridge; June 22, Yale, at Cambridge.

THE Committee on arrangements for the Sophomore Class Supper have decided upon Tuesday the 24th of April as the day on which it will take place. Tickets may be had at Sever's on and after Monday the 9th inst., until 12 M., April 23.

Those wishing seats together will please send their names to Mr. J. T. Bowen, 78 Weld.

THE '77 photograph lists have been sent out by Mr. Warren, the class photographer.

THE heavy-weight wrestling was decided last Saturday, by a contest between Messrs. Kessler, '78, and Simmons, '80, Mr. Wetherbee having withdrawn. There were two bouts, each being decided in favor of Mr. Kessler, who accordingly received the cup. The judges were Messrs. Butler and Leeds, '77, and Thayer, '78.

SCENE: Recitation Room, Girls' High School, Boston. Class in Botany.

Teacher. I should like very much to have you all visit the Botanic Garden in Cambridge.

Young Lady. Is it near the College?
