

Class '76 ... $300 $187.00 $40

Class '77 ... 500 567.00 192

Class '78 ... 500 569.00 113

Class '79 ... 700 585.56 113

--------- -------------- --------


$2,000 $1,735.50 $458

TRUMAN HEMINWAY,Assistant Treasurer.THE University Nine have received their new uniforms. They are of a gray color, a little darker than last year, and are trimmed with crimson. The undershirt worn while playing is much lighter than the rest of the suit, and is without sleeves. It has an H. on the breast similar to boating-shirts, and a band of crimson round the neck. The overshirt is double-breasted, with an embroidered H. The trousers of former years have been changed to loose knee-breeches, and crimson stockings. The cap is a little stouter and higher than before.

THE Glee Club and Pierian Sodality will give their regular Spring Concert on Monday, March 20, at Lyceum Hall. They will also give a concert at the Highlands on the 16th. Tickets for the Cambridge Concert (reserved and admission) can be obtained only of members of either society. For good ones, apply early.

A MEETING of the Athletic Association will be held in the Gymnasium next Saturday morning at 10.45. The Rules to govern the contests, March 11, are:-

I. Putting up dumb-bells.

II. Vaulting, one hand. Take-off must be from both feet, with no preparatory jump.

III. Vaulting, both hands. In the take-off the body must be behind a perpendicular let fall from the bar to the floor, and the vault must be a single movement.

IV. Heavy-weight wrestling; 155 lbs. and over. Same hold as in light-weight wrestling.

V. Light-weight sparring; under 140 lbs.

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