THE bills for boat-house rests are ready, and must be paid before the opening of the river.
CANDIDATES for the University Cricket Eleven are requested to meet their Captain at Matthews 34 on Monday at 7.30 P. M.
THE Harvard Rifle Club has received a challenge from the Cambridge Rifle Club to a match on the afternoon of the 17th of this month.
WORK is progressing rapidly on the boat-house. Painting will begin as soon as the weather permits. It is expected that the floats will be got off this week.
OFFICERS HARVARD ART CLUB - President, Prof. C. E. Norton; Vice-Presidents, B. Tuckerman, W. L. Chase; Secretary, P. Tuckerman; Curator, S. C. Whitney.
THE Rev. Mr. Hall, of the Church of the Advent, Boston, will address the St. Paul's Society at their room, No. 17 Gray, on Friday evening, March 10, at 7 o'clock.
THE dates of the matches with Yale have been fixed for the 3d and 26th of June and the 1st of July. Where the games will take place has not yet been fully decided.
A CONTRIBUTOR to the Advocate is said to be in the habit of sitting with his feet on the table, because he does not consider it democratic that the feet should be permanently below the head.
OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTE OF 1770. - President, Emmons Blaine; Vice-President, John Homans; Secretary, Lewis Hancock; Treasurer, Stephen Bullard; Librarian, Fred. L. Gay.
OFFICERS OF THE EVERETT ATHENAEUM for the second Term. - President, C. Moore; Vice-President, B. M. Johnson; Secretary, E. T. Chamberlain; Treasurer, M. Hasbrouck; Standing committee, I. Elting, J. A. Tufts, C. R. Holmes; Board of Editors, J. O'Connor, E. H. Nichols, C. K. Williams; Stage Manager, C. H. Vinton; Chorister, E. W. Morse.
COLLEGE workmen are clearing the elms on the east side of Gore Hall to obtain space for the intended addition to the east wing of the Library, and as soon as the frost is out of the ground the work on the foundation will be begun. This intended addition will change the appearance of the hall by making the length of the building extend from west to east instead of from north to south, as it now is.
HARVARD CHESS CLUB. - President, T. W. Barnes, '76; Vice-President, L. Sargent, '79; Secretary, F. J. Le Moyne '77.
Any who desire to become members of the Chess Club are requested to send their names to the Secretary, Holyoke 42. It is hoped that some good players can be found in '79 to keep up the interest in the club.
DURING the month of February $ 137 were paid to the Treasurer of the H. U. B. C. The subscription-list shows the following results:-
Assessed. Subscribed. Paid.
Class '76 ... $300 $187.00 $40
Class '77 ... 500 567.00 192
Class '78 ... 500 569.00 113
Class '79 ... 700 585.56 113
--------- -------------- --------
$2,000 $1,735.50 $458
TRUMAN HEMINWAY,Assistant Treasurer.THE University Nine have received their new uniforms. They are of a gray color, a little darker than last year, and are trimmed with crimson. The undershirt worn while playing is much lighter than the rest of the suit, and is without sleeves. It has an H. on the breast similar to boating-shirts, and a band of crimson round the neck. The overshirt is double-breasted, with an embroidered H. The trousers of former years have been changed to loose knee-breeches, and crimson stockings. The cap is a little stouter and higher than before.
THE Glee Club and Pierian Sodality will give their regular Spring Concert on Monday, March 20, at Lyceum Hall. They will also give a concert at the Highlands on the 16th. Tickets for the Cambridge Concert (reserved and admission) can be obtained only of members of either society. For good ones, apply early.
A MEETING of the Athletic Association will be held in the Gymnasium next Saturday morning at 10.45. The Rules to govern the contests, March 11, are:-
I. Putting up dumb-bells.
II. Vaulting, one hand. Take-off must be from both feet, with no preparatory jump.
III. Vaulting, both hands. In the take-off the body must be behind a perpendicular let fall from the bar to the floor, and the vault must be a single movement.
IV. Heavy-weight wrestling; 155 lbs. and over. Same hold as in light-weight wrestling.
V. Light-weight sparring; under 140 lbs.
VI. Middle-weight wrestling; 140 to 155 lbs.
The wrestling and sparring matches not concluded at the last meeting will also take place. Tickets can be had by members only, by applying at 2 Weld.
Prizes will be awarded in sparring, not for most blood drawn and knock-downs achieved alone, but for best display of science.
THERE will be at least one vacancy in the Rifle Team next week. Members of the club who desire a place in the team are requested to send a memorandum of their highest scores to the Captain immediately.
W. F. WELD, JR., 43 M.
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