

THE Pierian Sodality have elected the following officers: President, H. J. Hapgood, '77; Vice-President, C. C. Shippen, '77; Secretary, F. W. Taussig, '79; Treasurer, A. Crocker, '79; Leader, L. B. Dean, '78.

STUDENTS wishing practice in reading German at sight may meet Mr. Bartlett in Holyoke B, on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at half past two. The readings will begin with Der Neffe als Onkel.

THE Librarian of the Hasty Pudding Club requests all members who have in their possession books belonging to the club to return the same to the rooms as soon as possible, so as to facilitate the arranging of the library.

PROF. ANDRE JAMELLIER, fencing teacher, corner of Brattle and Palmer Streets. Established in 1858.

LAST year a room in the College Buildings could hardly be had for love or money; now there are eleven rooms vacant.


THE first assembly will probably be on the 13th of December, in Union Hall, Cambridgeport. Mr. A. C. Tower has taken the place of Mr. W. N. Swift, manager, resigned.

THE Rev. James Freeman Clarke is delivering a course of lectures on Comparative Theology in the Divinity Hall lecture-room at noon on Tuesdays. The first lecture on last Tuesday was on the Classification of Religions, and was very interesting. The course is open to all members of the University.

THE candidates for the University crew are Legate, Lemoyne, Harriman, of '77; Bancroft, Loring, Lemoyne, Littauer, Harding, of '78; Jacobs, Brigham, Schwartz, Crocker, Preston, Smith, of '79. An eight and six are still on the river. Mr. Dana of the Law School is looking after the "torpids."

THE University Foot-Ball Team leave for New Haven to-day at one o'clock. W. E. Russell will be umpire. The kickers are: Faucon, '75, Wetherbee, '78, Backs; Herrick, '77, Curtis, '77, Seamans, '77, Austin, '79, Half-backs; Rollins, '77, Cushing, '77, Cushing, '79, Keys, '77, Blanchard, '79, Forwards; Houston, '79. Jordan, '77, Substitutes. The Rugby Union game will be played.

SANDERS THEATRE. The first subscription concert will be given next Tuesday evening, November 21, by the Thomas Orchestra, at 8 o'clock precisely. The programme will be made up of two overtures, one by Beethoven and one by J. K. Paine; two symphonies, one by Schubert, the other y Beethoven; a violin concerto of Mendelssohn will follow. Single tickets can now be had at Sever's for one dollar. Admission to the balcony over the stage will be sold at fifty cents each. The second concert will be given on Thursday evening, December 21.

THE Harvard Index for 1875 - 6 is to be on sale in about ten days. The size and appearance of the book will be the same as last year, save that no advertisements will be introduced into the body of the work. Some of the matters of little interest will be omitted, and in its place will be published a complete list of the students of the University, conveniently arranged for reference. Students, whose names or addresses are omitted in the Catalogue, or incompletely or incorrectly printed, are earnestly requested to send, as soon as possible, a postal card, with the correct information, to "The Harvard Index," Cambridge. As usual, the Index will contain a complete list of the Societies, and a record of the sporting events during the past year. The greatest pains have been taken to secure accuracy in all departments, and it is confidently expected that the book will be one of great interest and value to all students.

THE following is a statement of the financial condition of the University Nine:-


By subscription, etc. $148.20
