

THE boat-house float will shortly be taken up.

MR. W. B. BACON is leader of the Glee Club.

THE Catalogue for '76 - '77 is now ready at Sever's.

TWENTY Freshmen are candidates for their class crew.

IT is suggested that the Regatta flags be placed in Memorial Hall.


THE Freshman foot-ball team will play at Andover, Quincy, and Exeter before the season is over.

A STRANGER inquired the other day of a Senior in the Yard, "Which of these buildings is the College proper?"

NOTICE is given on the bulletin that grouping in front of Holyoke or Little's Block, or at the entrances to those buildings, is prohibited.

THE recess at Thanksgiving this year will probably be the same as it was last year, - from 12 o'clock, Wednesday, until 11 o'clock, Friday.

THE first seven of the Signet from '78, are: W. R. Blodgett, E. T. Chamberlain, J. Etling, C. Moore, J. H. Morrison, B. Sachs, J. A. Tufts.

THE Rev. Mr. Storrs, of Brookline, will address the S. Paul's Society in their room, No. 17 Gray's, Monday next, November 20, at 7 P. M.

THE Freshman foot-ball team beat the Resolutes of Boston last Wednesday. They play the Yale Freshman team to-morrow morning, at New Haven.

THE occupants of Beck Hall, like those of Little's and Dolton's Blocks, are subject to all the rules of the College relating to good order. - Bulletin Board.

SENIORS to whom Commencement parts have been provisionally assigned are requested to meet Mr. A. S. Hill on Tuesday, November 21, at 4.30 P. M. in U. 4.

POLITICAL ECONOMY AND CONSTITUTION. - An examination for the making up of conditions will be held on Saturday, January 20, 1877, at 11 A. M., in U. E. R.
