

4. B. to QB. 4 4. P. to KKt. 5.

5. Castle. 5. P. takes Kt.

6. Q. takes P. 6. Q to KB. 3.

7. P. to Q. 3. 7. B. to KR. 3.

8. P. to K. 5. 8. Q. takes P.


9. B. to Q. 2. 9. Q. takes P.

10. Kt. to QB. 3. 10. Kt. to K. 2.

11. QR. to K. sq. 11. QK. to B. 3.

12. Kt. to QKt. 5. 12. Q. to QB. 4 (check).

13. K. to R. sq. 13. Castle.

14. Kt. takes PB. 14. Kt. to K. 4.

THE Transcript, from Delaware, Ohio, is amusing in the glimpse it affords of the manners and customs of the natives. They have high-toned stationers out there, and neat things in visiting-cards in advance of the Paris style, as is seen in the following advertisement:-

"If you want a pack of visiting or call cards, neatly encased, either white, rose, lavender, stone, canary, or Nile green, call at the Gazette office. We have the only rep cards (five tints) in the city, and offer them at the same price as the plain tints!"

It is a mixed college, and the effects of co-education are visible in a poem called A Psalm of Country Life, from which we quote three stanzas:-
