
The Coquette's Valentine.

That seemed a pledge of faithful love;

And as you crown your haughty head,

May you find a cypress wreath instead!

A MEETING of the '76 and '77 editors of this paper will be held at No. 9 Holworthy, on Monday, at 3.30 P. M.

THE Captain of the University Crew has sent out lists of daily training to the different applicants. The list includes one thousand strokes at the weights, and either a four-mile run or a two-mile walk.


MANY a word of deep and mystic meaning

Hidden in a dark and curious speech,

In the hours of thought and contemplation,

Finds the hearer's heart within its reach.

Many a maid with fond and laughing glances

Weighs her answer with a no and yes,

Leaving to her lover's ardent fancy

Right and power and privilege to guess.

Thus hath Nature hid her many mysteries

In a rich and ever-varying guise,
