
The Coquette's Valentine.

WHAT shall I write in this valentine?

The old refrain, "My heart is thine";

The sweetest flower of rarest hue,

Is paltry when compared with you"?

No, no, I'll write in grander strain,


And throw aside that old refrain.

What shall I write in this valentine?

O for a laurel, the conqueror's sign!

Many a hope, full many a heart,

Hath fallen before thy Cupid's dart;

Many a victim bowed to thy rule,

And played his part in the lover's school.

Ay! twine a wreath of fairest flowers,

With here and there, from bygone hours,

Some withered rosebud, some crumpled glove,

That seemed a pledge of faithful love;

And as you crown your haughty head,

May you find a cypress wreath instead!

A MEETING of the '76 and '77 editors of this paper will be held at No. 9 Holworthy, on Monday, at 3.30 P. M.

THE Captain of the University Crew has sent out lists of daily training to the different applicants. The list includes one thousand strokes at the weights, and either a four-mile run or a two-mile walk.

MANY a word of deep and mystic meaning

Hidden in a dark and curious speech,

In the hours of thought and contemplation,

Finds the hearer's heart within its reach.

Many a maid with fond and laughing glances

Weighs her answer with a no and yes,

Leaving to her lover's ardent fancy

Right and power and privilege to guess.

Thus hath Nature hid her many mysteries

In a rich and ever-varying guise,

Open to the lover of her secrets,

To the contemplation of the wise.

THE Chess Club have decided to hold the Tournament open until March I. Those who have withdrawn are expected to re-enter the lists. Following is a summary of games:-

Won. Lost. Won. Lost.

Messrs. Barnes 4 6 Messrs. Humason 1 9

Broughton 0 2 Le Moyne 6 7

Burgwyn 13 1 Marcon 3 5

Chase 3 3 Minot 1 10

Faucon 8 2 Stimson 7 3

Fenollosa 4 6 Szemelyeni 6 5

Green 6 5 Watson 6 4

Williamson 2 7 Lowell 3 2

Preble 10 4

EDITOR MAGENTA: "Percy Starke" sends this ingenious Chess puzzle, found pasted on the back of an old Chess Book. By beginning at the right word, and going from square to square as a Knight moves, he found eight lines of poetry.

Yours truly,

