The Chair appointed President Eliot, R. W. Hooper, Waldo Higginson, C. E. Guild, and Professor Child on the Committee.
THIS is the first rainy Class-Day since '59.
Professor. In finding longitude at sea, how do you compare your own local time with Greenwich time? Student. Put it down and wait till you get there.
IT will add much to the pleasure Class-Day evening if all the rooms facing the Yard, including bed-rooms, are lighted. Students will please bear this in mind.
AT the request of Mr. Pratt, G. A. T., we wish to state that his worth has at last been recognized by an authority on History, in a comparison of him with Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes.
IT has been proposed that, for the sake of distinguishing the crews at the coming regatta, the bow oar have worked on the back of his rowing shirt a figure representing the number of the position drawn by his crew.
THE music at the Chapel to-day is furnished by the Germania Band. The first selection will be the Overture "Turandot," Lachner; the second is Jungmann's "Harp-sound"; and the third the Finale "Ariele," Bach.
AT the Faculty meeting on Monday evening it was voted that students conditioned in the required studies of one year be permitted to enter the anticipatory examinations for these studies in the ensuing autumn; their conditions to be removed on the attainment of fifty per cent.
Second Year Classical Honors.
CLASS I. - Briggs '75, Finck '76, Gardiner '76, F. C. Lowell '76.
CLASS II. - Lefavour '76, A. A. Wheeler '76.
CLASS III. - Bennett '76, W. L. Chase '76, Dubois '76, G. W. Greene '76, Morse '76.
Now that the Annuals are over, the University crew will begin their long pulls, in place of the two short ones they have taken daily. They leave for Saratoga as soon after Commencement as possible - probably not later than the 29th inst., - and while at the lake their quarters will be at the old Schuyler homestead, about three miles from Saratoga.
SCENE. - Freshman Recitation in "Odyssey." Mr. B. (a fellow of extensive general knowledge) translates the passage where the purchase of Eurycleia by Laertes is immortalized: "eelkooaboa d' edwkev," - "and he gave for her twenty bee-ves."
Instructor (amidst suppressed laughter of the division). Yes, that's one translation of the passage; and you understand by "bee-ves" what?
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Class of 1890.