

THE cost of Memorial Hall thus far is said to be about $305,000.

THE important question for the graduating class: "What's in an A. M.?"

Professor in History. Yes, Mr. C - ; and who were these Huguenots?

Senior (who elected History for a "soft thing"). The followers of - of - Victor Hugo, I believe.

X - , '75, having reduced himself to a mere shadow by excessive cramming, was advised by his physician to take a tonic in the shape of some bark. He has resolved to buy a black-and-tan.


THERE were some twenty applications by Harvard men for nominations to vacancies in the Foreign Customs service of the Chinese government. The three chosen from the class of '74 were: H. B. Morse of Medford, C. C. Clarke of East Cambridge, W. F. Spinney of Salem.

THE beardless Senior in Grays, who has for four years been anxiously waiting for his Class-Day mustache to make its appearance, was lately advised by a member of the impending Sophomore Class to try the Thayer Club, as they certainly could furnish the most hash there.

THE Class-Day Committee earnestly request that all students rooming in College who occupy ground-floor rooms which do not face on the Yard be particularly careful to lock their windows on Class-Day evening. This precaution is absolutely necessary both for the protection of their own property and for rendering the roping in of the Yard effectual.

Notices to Seniors.THE themes of last year with Professor Child may be had at 57 Thayer Hall by those desiring them; also the forensics of the first, third, and fourth divisions with Professor Bowen.

The Class histories of the delinquent members of the class are requested immediately.

Seniors are also reminded that the first instalment of the Class Fund, and the assessment of one dollar for the Class Cradle, are due on or before Commencement, and the Secretary desires that they may be promptly paid.

THE Live Oak Club of Lynn, one of the strongest clubs of those contesting for the amateur championship of the State, visited Cambridge on last Saturday afternoon, and I layed the return game with the University Nine. The result proved disastrous to the visiting club, though they played a much stronger fielding game than the previous one at Lynn. The play of our Nine was very satisfactory. The errors were very few, while several very good plays were made. The score was twelve to one in favor of the Harvards. The result of the first game was twenty-six to one, for the Harvards.

THE different boat-clubs have all been organized, and have made contracts with Mr. Blakey for next year. By these contracts, Mr. Blakey agrees to have a sufficient number of boats built by next autumn to seat one third of the members of any club at one time. The boats to be kept in repair, and a man to be in constant attendance at the boat-house to assist members in and out of their boats, etc. The names of the club have not yet been chosen. The officers of the college boat-clubs are as follows:-

Holworthy, Hollis, and Stoughton.

President, Walker Hartwell; Captain, Francis R. Apple-ton; Secretary, E. C. Hall.

Weld and Thayer.

President, F. S. Watson; Captain, C. W. Wetmore; Secretary, W. N. Swift.

Grays, Matthews, and College House.

President, Reginald Gray; Captain, D. C. Bacon; Secretary, G. P. Faucon.

Outside Dormitories.

President, W. C. Riggs; Captain, W. J. Otis; Secretary, W. B. Bacon.

All persons wishing to join the boat-club of the buildings Holworthy, Hollis, and Stoughton are requested to sign the constitution, which may be found at Holworthy 12, before they leave Cambridge, to insure the privileges of membership for the next year.

WE trust that the following may come to the notice of any "subs" who are vacillating between Yale and Harvard. It is needless to remark that tempora non mutantur.

Extract from the Will of Lewis Morris.[Recorded in the Surrogate's Office, New York, Liber 23, Page 426, November 19, 1760.]

"It is my wish that my son Governeur shall have the best education that can be furnished him in England or America; but my express will and direction are, that under no circumstances shall he be sent to the Colony of Connecticut for that purpose, lest in his youth he should imbibe that low craft and cunning so incident to the people of that country, and which are so interwoven in their constitution that they cannot conceal it from the world, though many of them, under the sanctified garb of religion, have attempted to impose themselves upon the world as honest men."

AT a meeting of the Memorial Hall Committee of Fifty on Tuesday last, the following votes were passed:-

Voted, That the Building Committee, with the advice of counsel, be empowered to give to the Corporation of the College such use and occupation of the portion of Memorial Hall now completed as may be desirable.

Voted, That a committee of five be appointed to prepare and print, at the expense of the Committee of Fifty, a complete record of the services of Students and Graduates of Harvard University in the Army and Navy of the United States during the War of the Rebellion, the Committee to have power to employ an editor.

The Chair appointed President Eliot, R. W. Hooper, Waldo Higginson, C. E. Guild, and Professor Child on the Committee.

THIS is the first rainy Class-Day since '59.

Professor. In finding longitude at sea, how do you compare your own local time with Greenwich time? Student. Put it down and wait till you get there.

IT will add much to the pleasure Class-Day evening if all the rooms facing the Yard, including bed-rooms, are lighted. Students will please bear this in mind.

AT the request of Mr. Pratt, G. A. T., we wish to state that his worth has at last been recognized by an authority on History, in a comparison of him with Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes.

IT has been proposed that, for the sake of distinguishing the crews at the coming regatta, the bow oar have worked on the back of his rowing shirt a figure representing the number of the position drawn by his crew.

THE music at the Chapel to-day is furnished by the Germania Band. The first selection will be the Overture "Turandot," Lachner; the second is Jungmann's "Harp-sound"; and the third the Finale "Ariele," Bach.

AT the Faculty meeting on Monday evening it was voted that students conditioned in the required studies of one year be permitted to enter the anticipatory examinations for these studies in the ensuing autumn; their conditions to be removed on the attainment of fifty per cent.

Second Year Classical Honors.

CLASS I. - Briggs '75, Finck '76, Gardiner '76, F. C. Lowell '76.

CLASS II. - Lefavour '76, A. A. Wheeler '76.

CLASS III. - Bennett '76, W. L. Chase '76, Dubois '76, G. W. Greene '76, Morse '76.

Now that the Annuals are over, the University crew will begin their long pulls, in place of the two short ones they have taken daily. They leave for Saratoga as soon after Commencement as possible - probably not later than the 29th inst., - and while at the lake their quarters will be at the old Schuyler homestead, about three miles from Saratoga.

SCENE. - Freshman Recitation in "Odyssey." Mr. B. (a fellow of extensive general knowledge) translates the passage where the purchase of Eurycleia by Laertes is immortalized: "eelkooaboa d' edwkev," - "and he gave for her twenty bee-ves."

Instructor (amidst suppressed laughter of the division). Yes, that's one translation of the passage; and you understand by "bee-ves" what?

Mr. B. (desperately). The bee-ve was the Grecian coin that corresponded to the Roman as." (Instructor faints.)

In the graduating class there are 162 candidates for a degree. 209 men have been connected with the class, and there has been only one death. This is the largest class ever graduated by Harvard, the next in size being that of '71, which graduated with 157. - Advocate.

WE are happy to see fair ones from Vassar present today at the Class-Day exercises; and, though they find the demonstrations here of a somewhat more noisy character than at their own celebration of this college festival, we trust they will not find it any the less enjoyable.

STUDENTS are very much desired to be present at the exercises in Memorial Hall, which will begin at half past three o'clock on Tuesday. Graduates, undergraduates, and invited guests will form in procession in front of Massachusetts Hall at three o'clock, and march to Memorial, where they will occupy seats set apart for them. - Advocate.

COMMENCEMENT parts - are as follows: W. R. Tyler, Disquisition on Ruskin's Art Theories; F. J. Stone, Dissertation on Socialism in its Connection with Labor Reform; E. F. Fenollosa, Disquisition on Pantheism; T. L. Sewall, Dissertation on the English Agricultural Laborer; G. Wigglesworth, Oration on Joseph II.; C. F. Withington, Disquisition on Tragedy, Classical and Romantic.
