What moral, ask you, does the tavern teach?
Any you like; 't is nothing but a name.
Be gloomy, gay, a lawyer, doctor, preach, -
Or practise, - it is pretty much the same;
For whether gay or sad, obscure or famous,
Of cares and crosses you will have your share.
My motto is, "Dum vivimus vivamus";
So, waiter, let me see the bill of fare!
Y.WHY is the visitor to the Dean's office on Monday night like a scarred veteran? Both have the marks of many cuts.
THE Freshman crew, as now arranged, consists of Harriman, stroke; Martin, 2; Parsons, 3; Patton, 4; Harwood, 5; Wiley, bow.
AT the dedication of Memorial Hall on June 23d, Mr. Paine hopes to have a chorus of one hundred and fifty voices. The chances for dancing in the Hall on Class Day are very slight.
PROFESSOR E. S. MORSE, of Salem, delivered the annual lecture before the Harvard Natural History Society, on Thursday evening. The subject of his entertaining essay, the "Evolution of Organic Beings," was handled in a masterly way. To the critical student his evidence and details were of great interest, while to the less scientific his graphic illustrations of birds, reptiles, and mollusks awakened pleasant associations of their earliest ancestors. Professor Morse is a wonderful artist, and the resemblance between an embryo robin and turtle, as drawn on the blackboard, called forth loud applause. The attendance was large, and the only drawback was the miserable ventilation.