FOUND out, - many students by anxious duns.
THE Senior Autograph Albums are now ready at Richardson's.
THE Class races take place at 11 o'clock Saturday of next week.
MANNER of burial particularly suited for most college papers, - cremation.
THE Freshman Nine hopes to meet the Yale Nine at New Haven on the 30th.
THE Institute Supper has been wisely postponed to the 18th of June, the night before Class Day.
THE University Nine goes to Providence to-morrow to play the Brown Nine at Dexter Park.
As will be seen in another part of the paper, it depends only on the student whether Alumni Hall shall be used as a refectory next year.
MR. TAPPAN, '76, and Mr. Herrick, '77, have decided not to run for the Bennett Cup, as previously stated.
THE Sophomore crew consists of Messrs. Weld, stroke, Richards, Bolan, Brown, Riggs, Nickerson, bow.
MEMBERS of the Institute having books out of the library are requested to return them as soon as possible.
PERHAPS it would be well to look at the 3d proof of the Annuals before saying that Junior Annuals begin Saturday.
The Athenaeum gave a very varied performance last evening, in which the skilful allotment of parts added greatly to the enjoyment. While all did themselve credit, the oration of Mr. C. H. Barrows was the feature of the evening.
IT is probable that the Steward will adopt the suggestion published in the Magenta just after the assignment of rooms.
THE grass looks greener than ever before. The applications for rooms seem to indicate the largest Freshman class as yet.
THE Rev. Henry W. Foote, of King's Chapel, will preach in the Chapel next Sunday evening, and Mrs. Moulton and the Glee Club will sing.
THE practice game of base-ball, Wednesday afternoon, between the University and Freshmen, resulted in favor of the former by a score of 12 to 5.
MONDAY evening, the 18th, was public night at the Institute. The orator of the evening was Mr. Charles Isham, and the poet Mr. W. L. Chase.
THE Secretary of the Senior class requests all who have not yet obtained there measurement, to do so at once, as the statistics must be prepared immediately.
IT is only just to the Pierian to say that their performance at the Harvard Theatricals was remarkably fine; their playing this year is much better than ever before.
A NEW-YORKER who saw one of the Nine going to recitation in his uniform the other day was struck with his great resemblance to Tweed in his island suit.
THE Committee on the Institute Catalogue, after a great deal of work, have succeeded in getting everything ready for publication, but probably nothing will be done this year.
THE occupants of Thayer were startled, last Wednesday night, by an explosion, caused by an indiscreet Freshman, who was experimenting with an oxy-hydrogen blow-pipe.
THE northern window of Memorial is not yet under way, owing to a strike of the stone-cutters who assist the glass-setters. The tile finish of Alumni Hall was begun yesterday.
OUR townsman, the Cambridge Press, in speaking of a concert for the Fremont Base Ball Club, says "Miss L - rendered 'Ave Maria,' otherwise known as the 'Bird of the Sea,' in a very agreeable manner."
Der Berein.President, Dr. Hermann A. Hagen; Vice-President, S. A. Lynde, '77; Secretary, H. H. Buck, '75; Treasurer, H. H. Drake, '77.
THE Cricket Eleven, in spite of the rough in the Advocate, will probably be made up of Messrs. Ames, Dwight, Green, Harris, King, Lee, Rives, Spinney, Sullivan, Tilden, and Upham. The game with the S. Paul's Eleven is indefinitely postponed, but another game with the Albions will be played soon.
THE reunion of the Class of '72 P. A. took place Friday evening of last week at Andover. The officers were: President, F. S. Livingood; Vice-President, John Porter; Orator, S. R. Johnson; Poet, C. A. Dickinson; Toast-Master, W. N. Frew; Odist, E. E. Parker; Committee of Arrangements, J. G. Gospil, W. H. Moody, A. H. Dellicker. The Toast-Master, Mr. Frew of Yale, was particularly happy, and the whole affair passed off in the most satisfactory manner.
AT a meeting of the Thayer Club officers in consultation with President Eliot, the President informed them that if it could be made certain that three hundred men would board at the Club next year, the dining-hall in Memorial would be used. Circulars will be issued, possibly distributed next week to the undergraduates and members of the schools. If the required number is made up before the end of the year, the necessary work will be immediately commenced, and it is hoped that the hall will be ready for the club at the beginning of the next academic year. As has been stated before, the tables in the new hall will seat twelve, and to each table one waiter will be given. A professional steward will be hired by the Corporation at a salary of $1,500 a year. In order to keep the price of board at the lowest, in addition the steward will be given 10 cents for each man if the price is $4; if $4.10, he will receive but 9 cents, and when it reaches $5, he will receive nothing. With the exception of the appointment of the steward and financial control, the management will be in the hands of the students. But by giving three months' notice, the directors can remove the steward. These directors are to be chosen by the students, two from each class and school, provided the number in each is more than forty; if less than forty, one director will be allowed. With the officers is to rest the choice of an auditor, who shall keep the accounts and exercise a general supervision, at the salary of the present steward. The pictures now in Massachusetts are to be hung in the hall, and every means used to make the hour of dinner pleasant and social.
* * * * *
'T IS a good place to sit and moralize;
For here there's naught that can your temper vex;
And a great drama's played before your eyes,
The acting natural, the plot complex.
When interrupted friendship is renewed,
And softened hearts in firmer love combine,
'T is here they come to quench, in kindly mood,
The flames of wrath with floods of sparkling wine.
Hither, his jaded fancy to amuse,
Some idler strolls; and while his port he sips,
The fair proportions of the bar-maid views,
With eyes, I trow, as thirsty as his lips!
What moral, ask you, does the tavern teach?
Any you like; 't is nothing but a name.
Be gloomy, gay, a lawyer, doctor, preach, -
Or practise, - it is pretty much the same;
For whether gay or sad, obscure or famous,
Of cares and crosses you will have your share.
My motto is, "Dum vivimus vivamus";
So, waiter, let me see the bill of fare!
Y.WHY is the visitor to the Dean's office on Monday night like a scarred veteran? Both have the marks of many cuts.
THE Freshman crew, as now arranged, consists of Harriman, stroke; Martin, 2; Parsons, 3; Patton, 4; Harwood, 5; Wiley, bow.
AT the dedication of Memorial Hall on June 23d, Mr. Paine hopes to have a chorus of one hundred and fifty voices. The chances for dancing in the Hall on Class Day are very slight.
PROFESSOR E. S. MORSE, of Salem, delivered the annual lecture before the Harvard Natural History Society, on Thursday evening. The subject of his entertaining essay, the "Evolution of Organic Beings," was handled in a masterly way. To the critical student his evidence and details were of great interest, while to the less scientific his graphic illustrations of birds, reptiles, and mollusks awakened pleasant associations of their earliest ancestors. Professor Morse is a wonderful artist, and the resemblance between an embryo robin and turtle, as drawn on the blackboard, called forth loud applause. The attendance was large, and the only drawback was the miserable ventilation.
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