

Ut alloquerer reddendo,

Feci, velut semper decet.

Gratias surridens egit,

"Quam urbanitas placebit!"

Ego: "Dulcis dominella,


Et pulcherima puella,

Me venustas jam redegit."

Manum brachio infixit

I. Prooemium. Harvardinus; the member of a gens of considerable local reputation; nearly allied to the Bavii; at enmity with Antonius Collis. Cf. Rat. Y I. C. I small print ff.

Sets forth his store of good things various,

And lifts his voice in song hilarious." - DRYDEN.

5. We find this expression strangely coincident with our own cant phrase, "know a thing or two." Also of. CARLYLE, passim.

II. Prooemium. "Blind-drunk."

13-42. These lines are expurgated in the school editions. Cf.
