Poor Times is dead, that wretched hoax;
We ne'er shall see it more;
It used to get off pointless jokes
On that Era-tic bore.
WE are glad to receive the Tufts Collegian, a monthly published at Tufts College. Its appearance is very creditable, and the articles fair, though rather too heavy and some-what commonplace.
BASE BALL. - At Tufts, Sophomore 27, Freshmen 10; at Amherst, Sophomore 16, Freshmen 15; at Yale, Sophomore 14, Freshmen 8.
AMHERST wants a New England Rowing Association, with regattas on New England waters.
60 Freshmen at Williams, 77 at Amherst, 125 at Cornell, and 196 at Yale.
A CHESS CLUB has been formed at Cornell.