

OUR exchange table is covered with the accumulations of the summer, and where so many await notice, it seems difficult to give the preference to any. We see the familiar face of Old and New, - an old friend, but a new exchange, - nor are we slow to recognize the Atlantic, Every Saturday, and others. Deferring an extended notice of these to some future time, we turn to our college exchanges. Thinking that the feeling current among the different colleges with regard to the contests at Saratoga may be of interest, we print a few of the most striking passages in the various college journals:-

YALE at once sent a challenge to Harvard to row a new race on Monday, - a challenge which was refused by Captain Goodwin, of the Harvards, on the ground of the ungentlemanly conduct of the Yale crew. To the unprejudiced spectator of the race, Yale seemed no more guilty of foul play than Harvard, while the task of adjudging blame to either is rendered hopeless by the contradictory statement of the members of the two crews. It is to be regretted that Harvard refused to row, a new race, as by this way only could the difficulty have been settled and the superiority of either stroke plainly demonstrated. - Cornell Era.

THEN the contests began. Yale and Harvard met upon the base-ball field, and the assembled youth looked upon two amateur games such as they will not be likely soon to see again. We do not propose to describe Avery's tremendous pitching, or Bentley's beautiful catching, or Harvard's splendid fielding. The papers have told all that, and it has no immediate interest for us. Suffice it to say that many of the spectators received the impression that her catcher and pitcher won the two games for Yale, and that, with the exception of those positions, the Magenta field was superior to the Blue. - Nassau (Princeton) Lit.


I thought her a beautiful creature,


And dearly I bought her with gold;

But there's one disagreeable feature, -

'T was I and not she that was sold.


Why they should call you Waiter

Is too much for my pate,

Unless they call you Waiter

Because you make me wait.

Yale Record.A LATE number of one of our most valuable exchanges, The Forest and Stream, had an article on college journalism, in which various journals are complimented, and mention is made of the fact that college journalism is very different now than in the early days of the Yale Banner, which was the pioneer, thirty years ago. It is this latter statement which we wish to correct. In the Harvard Library there is a bound volume containing the numbers of The Harvard Lyceum, published fortnightly from July 14, 1810, to March 9, 1811. This periodical seems to have owed much to Edward Everett; for many of the editorial articles and several poems are by him. We also find articles by Farnham, Gilman, Fuller, and Frothingham in its pages.

DIED, at Dryden Springs, in the first year of its age, The Cornell Times. Pax nobiscum!

Poor Times is dead, that wretched hoax;

We ne'er shall see it more;

It used to get off pointless jokes

On that Era-tic bore.

WE are glad to receive the Tufts Collegian, a monthly published at Tufts College. Its appearance is very creditable, and the articles fair, though rather too heavy and some-what commonplace.

BASE BALL. - At Tufts, Sophomore 27, Freshmen 10; at Amherst, Sophomore 16, Freshmen 15; at Yale, Sophomore 14, Freshmen 8.

AMHERST wants a New England Rowing Association, with regattas on New England waters.

60 Freshmen at Williams, 77 at Amherst, 125 at Cornell, and 196 at Yale.

A CHESS CLUB has been formed at Cornell.
