

WE hope that a wire gauze will be put over the west window of Alumni Hall to protect it from the injury that a chance branch blown by the wind, or a wanton passer, might inflict upon it.

A TENDER-HEARTED Freshman saw a man weeping violently before University yesterday, and inquired the cause of his grief. "Alas, young man," responded the editor, - for such he was, - "beneath those stones lies buried my favorite brevity."

THERE are nine men at work on the new boat-house, which will be completed this week. The float is the most important part remaining unfinished; the spar was expected yesterday. Four clubs have been organized, with about two hundred and fifteen members. The boats will all be ready in two week; the fleet including four six-oars, six four-oars, one pair-oar, two single-sculls.

We are glad to hear that th History of the University is rapidly progressing. It is to contain one hundred and twenty large heliotypes of the college, etc.; many are now ready, and are very successful. Some of the old engravings of the last century are very interesting, and the four hundred and fifty pages or more of reading matter it is to contain, as poems, essays, historical and otherwise, on the College, will render it a valuable work.

IN justice to Mr. Farmer, and taking into consideration the efforts he is making to promote the success of the Thayer Club, it is due to him to say that nine waiters left him Thursday morning, frightened at the extent of the work; only one dumb-waiter has been built, another is in progress of construction; mechanics interfere with the operations of cooks and everything is in an unfinished and unsettled condition.


THE officers of the H. U. B. B. C. for the coming year are: President, S. H. Hooper, '75; Sec. & Treas., A. C. Tower, '77; Captain, J. F. Kent, '75. There are at present three vacancies in the Nine, and it is earnestly desired that every student who wishes to try for the vacant positions will come out on Jarvis next Monday afternoon, and those following, for practice. Two or three games will be played this fall, the first probably, on the 10th, at Fitchburg.

THE Goths and Vandals are among us! During the pointing of Gore Hall, which was recently done, the numerous class ivies, endeared to our Alumni by so many fond associations, were ruthlessly ripped from the ragged rocks round which they ran. It is the same iconoclastic spirit which transmutes the Thayer Club to an Augean stable, shuts down upon future college journalism by laying walks, and is rapidly turning our Alma Mater into a mere Sahara of brick and mortar. (sic.)

As the result of the preliminary examinations for women, four of the applicants received a certificate of the grade given first in the Catalogue, two others were conditioned, and a seventh failed to pass. No alternative but success or perfect failure was contemplated; but two of the applicants did so well that it seemed unfair to let all their work go for nothing, and they can obtain the certificate by passing, next year, those examinations in which they failed. Two or three of the ladies who succeeded will probably try for further honors next year. There is a question whether the names of those who succeeded in the examinations shall be printed in the Catalogue. Why should they not?

THE only change in the programme for Alumni Hall is the adoption of colored waiters in place of girls, as first proposed. There seems to be some misunderstanding as to appointment of officers for the year. It is officially stated that the new association will be called upon to confirm the appointments made by the Thayer Club last year, and to elect officers according to rule.

The furnishing of the Hall is the very best. Its system is strictly original, as no English College, with but one exception, provides three meals a day. The batterie de cuisine is very complete, including a large French range and all the accessories. Mr. Farmer, who is the steward, has catered three years for the Thayer Club; he receives $3,000 a year for his services. There are two chief cooks and a baker. The bill of fare will be made out in accordance with the vote of the Association.

THE second year of the Anderson School of Natural History at Penikese has been unexpectedly successful. The number of students was forty-six, that of instructors was twelve. Eighty-one lectures were delivered during the term, which extended from July 9 to August 29. Professor Alexander Agassiz acted as Director, Thomas G. Cary as Treasurer. The place of the former was filled for some time by Mr. S. W. Garman, by reason of the illness of Professor Agassiz, which did not prevent the latter, however, from giving an excellent course on Radiates. Though his name was not in the list Professor James Hall of Albany, the foremost student of Palaeontology in this country, was present and gave some lectures.

The study was unremitting on the part of the students, and the memory of Louis Agassiz seemed to keep alive an interest among them, with the desire of working as he would have wished. The Laboratory was hung with sentences from his lips and his writings; not a day passed when his name was not mentioned; and often a student of last year could be heard telling a new-comer of some act of kindness and thoughtfulness on the part of the great teacher.
