President, W. H. Holman; Secretary, E. B. Lefavour; Treasurer, D. J. Richards; Librarian, S. W. Davis.
THE Pierian Sodality will meet in their rooms on Thursday, 6th inst., at 7 1/2 P. M., to elect officers and transact other business.
FIRST business meeting of the St. Paul's Society, Monday, October 5, at their room, Grays 17.
THE Sumner Library is being catalogued.
FOUR hundred and twenty-five names have been entered for Alumni Hall.
FIFTEEN thousand photographs of the Class of '74 were ordered. May their shadows never be less.
MORE books were withdrawn from the Library during the last year than in any previous year.
AN enthusiastic Freshman dates his letters from Yale, "New Heaven."
THE stony hearts of our Board of Overseers have relented, and the Yard has been paved with the best of intentions.
THE hospital is going up on the foot-ball field,. the lower end of which has been filled in and graded.
ONE hundred and twenty-eight men are present at the fall examinations. Forty-nine of these applications are in the preliminary requirements.
WE are glad to assert, and that on very good authority, that the Catalogue is to be out by the end of this month, - perhaps sooner.
WE are happy to inform the Freshmen that the conductor who insults them by persistently selling them red tickets has been dismissed.
THE ghost of Atom arose the other night and propounded the following conundrum; "Why is a stranded whale like the Sonata Pathetik? Because he 's a s'norter in a flat."
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