

Elizabeth M. Darst

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Seniors Select Reps. For Class Committee

The Class of 1999 chose House representatives to the Senior Class Committee in late October, selecting twelve seniors to help

'Warren Court' Gives No Senior Preferences

Early this morning, 816 students will discover whether their names are among the lucky 440 lotteried into Historical Study B-61:

PBHA Open House Draws 400

Balloons, music, candy and warmth lured more than 400 students out of the cold and into the Phillips Brooks House

Knowles Selects Watson To Fill New Museum Chair

A lifelong love of anthropology inspired Professor Emeritus William W. Howells '30 and Muriel S. Howells to endow the directorship

Minor Blaze Singes JFK St. Restaurant

A minor fire yesterday morning on the roof of the Bombay Club Indian restaurant was extinguished before causing damage or

Anna Deveare Smith Educates, Amuses Cambridge Crowd

Using her acting and impersonation talents to perform snapshots of the American character, Anna Deveare Smith educated and amused audience

Web Site of Recordings Draws Copyright Concerns

Just where do they draw the line of legality on the Harvard network? One unfortunate first-year found out the hard

Harvard Adds Canadian From K-School to List of Rhodes Scholars

The Rhodes Scholarship is often perceived as the gold medal of the academic world. But John W. McArthur, a decorated

Class Marshals Announced

After two rounds of voting, the Class of 1998 bestowed the lifetime honor of Class Marshal on four women and
