

Gordon M. Burnes

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Transferring Houses

During freshman year, you think you know where you want to live. You list that house, get assigned to that

Hefner Criticizes Meese Commission

The report released last year by the Meese Commission on Pornography will not alleviate the problem of sexual violence in

Chi-Chi's Closes Down, Two Businesses Left

Harvard students will have to go elsewhere for pitchers of strawberry margueritas and nachos as Chi-Chi's, a Mexican restaurant just

Vorenberg Earns Award; Cited for Minority Policy

The dean of the Law School has received an award for increasing diversity in the community from a group committed

King Suffers Attack; Forum Talk Postponed

Radio talk-show host Larry King, the man who lulls thousands of Americans to sleep every week-night, suffered a mild heart

Women's History Week To Include Talks, Films

Women's History Week at Harvard will kick off today with a variety of lectures, films and presentations on women's issues

Larry King to Speak at Law School Forum

The man touted as the insomniac's best friend--late-night radio talk-show host Larry King--will bring his rambling speaking style to Cambridge
