

Walter Clarkson.

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Freshman Baseball Managership.

All men wishing to try for the managership of the Freshman baseball nine report at 10 Apthorp House, at 8

Fall Baseball Meeting.

All men interested in baseball meet in Lower Massachusetts tomorrow at 6.45 o'clock. Freshmen are especially urged to be present,

Freshman Baseball Managership.

All men wishing to try for the managership of the Freshman baseball nine report at 10 Apthorp House, Monday evening

Fall Baseball Meeting.

All men interested in baseball meet in Lower Massachusetts on Tuesday evening, October 13, at 6.45 o'clock. Freshmen are especially

Freshman Baseball Managership.

All men wishing to try for the managership of the Freshman baseball nine report at 10 Apthorp House, Monday evening

Freshman Baseball Notice.

All men wishing to try for the managership of the Freshman baseball nine report at 10 Apthorp House. Monday evening,

Baseball Notice.

There will be no practice today or Monday. Every one must report promptly on Tuesday at their assigned hours. Excuses

Baseball Notice.

For the last few days all the men have not been coming to practice regularly. After this every man must

Baseball Notice.

Owing to the poor condition of the field there was no practice yesterday. All men assigned to Tuesdays, Thursdays and

Baseball Notice.

The following men report at Soldiers Field for practice games: 2 p. m. Burns, Helliman, Peabody, Silver, Phillips, Greenough, R.


The first fall baseball practice was held yesterday on Soldiers Field. Four of the eight squads, into which the men

Fall Baseball Notice.

Fall baseball practice will begin today at 2. Every man must report, dressed to play, on the days and at

Fall Baseball Notice.

Fall baseball practice will begin today at 2 p. m. In case of rain a notice will be posted at

Fall Baseball Notice.

Fall baseball will begin tomorrow at 2 on Soldiers Field. All who intend to play baseball this fall must sign

Fall Baseball Notice.

Fall baseball will begin tomorrow at 2 on Soldiers Field. All who intend to play baseball this fall must sign
