

Leah D. Rush

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Running on Empty at the DOE

"We'll have to get back to you, we're short-handed," an official at the Department of Education (DOE) recently answered a

Black Group To Call For Strong Afro-Am

A group of Black seniors and alumni have called a press conference for 3 p.m. this afternoon in the Yard

States Should Fund Education, Claims Sec. of Education Bell

States have neglected their responsibility to education because of too much federal involvement in the past. Secretary of Education Terrel

20 Harvard Students Organize ERA Ratification Campaign

Twenty Harvard students have volunteered to spend intersession or spring vacation campaigning for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in states

Demo Club Woes

Financial troubles have forced the Harvard Democratic Club (HDC) to postpone the December issue of its periodical, Perspective, club officials

Purcell Speaks

Simple demonstrations can illustrate profound concepts in physics, Nobel-prize winning physicist Edward M. Purcell--who called the overhead projector "the greatest
