

Stuart A. Anfang

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All That Good

" J AZZ IS MORE than music--it's a way of life." It is with his theme in mid that Patrick

Inspiration... at Times

T WO YEARS AGO, Kirkland House Drama Society presented the highly successful Jesus Christ Superstar. Last year, A Funny Thing

A Glowing Trio

W HEN THE PRODUCER of the Broadway production of Torch Song Trilogy accepted the 1983 Tony Award for Best Play,

Lonely People

I T'S NOT THEIR subjects that make Tennesee Williams's plays unique. The obvious and oblique references to homosexuality, or the

Just a Dream?

L IFE IS A DREAM has been considered by some to be the "Hamlet" of Spanish theater, both in style

A Different Kind of Fight

"I JUST CAN'T make pictures about spaceships, "says Norman Jewison, director of such films as The Cincinnati Kid, ... And

Dancing Feet

"T HINK MUSICAL COMEDY. . .the most glorious words in the English language," crows Julian Marsh, the gruff but gentle

Feline Fantasy

F OR SIX NIGHTS A WEEK until May 5, hundreds of curious Bostonians will be lured from the familiarity of

In Cambridge, Too

J OSEPH HELLER FIRST achieved his literary notoriety with his novel Catch-22. And after Alan Arkin brought the protagonist Captain

Mellowed With Age

"I DON'T FIND ANYTHING in current events funny anymore," said Tom Lehrer '57 at a recent dinner held in his

The Sum of the Parts?

"I did it! I knocked over the president of the university!" shouted the jubilant senior, raising his can of Schlitz

Retired Professor Bush Dies Was Noted Literary Humanist

J.N. Douglas Bush, Gurney Professor of English Emeritus and noted literary humanist, died Tuesday, three weeks before his 87 birthday.

Student Entrepreneurs Seek to Profit From Stocks and Stalks

An enterprising freshman is trying in develop a new souvenir--Harvard Ivy on-cased in plastic--for tourists who want to bring back

TV Producer Lear Comes to Harvard

Norman Lear, the acclaimed producer known for his immensely successful television shows, concluded a two-day visit to Harvard yesterday, saying,
