

Deidre M. Sullivan

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New Wave at the Div School

Mary Lee Daugherty, one of the five visiting scholars in the women's studies program at the Divinity School, spent her

Fox, Bowersock Prepare Reply To Student Letters

Two Harvard deans who mailed letters over the summer to undergraduates requesting their opinions of "the Harvard experience" will report

Disabled Students at Harvard

To most of those in Humanities 9b, "Oral and Popular Literature," it made little difference when the class moved from

Harvard Political Review Elects Woman President

The Harvard Political Review, following the lead set by several other campus publications, elected Martha Gershun '78 as the first

Scholars Say Rome's Demise Is Not a Precedent for U.S.

Parallels between troubled contemporary American society and the decline of ancient Rome have little historical basis, a Harvard classics professor

Rights and Opinion

Nobel Peace Prize winner Sean MacBride said yesterday the most important method of protecting human rights is through informed public

European Ideas Too Dominant In American Art, Wolfe Says

Writer Tom Wolfe criticized America's "bowing down to European concepts in all the arts" at the Ford Hall Forum held

Ford Dinner Guests Spice Student Meals

While the average Harvard student heroically attempted to eat dining hall food and make conversation with roommates across the table

Only Librarians Have Chosen To Use Harvard's 'Garden' Lot

Only one group has used the Fly Club garden since the University opened it to the Harvard community last September,

Speakers Discuss Gun Control, ERA In Public Debates

Supporters and opponents debated a handgun ban and the state Equal Rights Amendment last night in the first of three

Carolina Primary Not Crucial, Harvard Political Analysts Say

Tuesday's North Carolina primary results will have little effect on the 1976 presidential campaign, Harvard political analysts said yesterday. Joseph

Harvard to Receive $1 Million For Australian Studies Chair

The Australian government will give $1 million to Harvard this summer to establish an Australian Studies Endowment Fund, William S.

Godkin Lecture

Carl Kaysen, director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., spoke on "Towards More Equality?" in Ames Courtroom

Bok Appoints Martin as Dean Of Engineering

President Bok yesterday announced the appointment of Paul C. Martin '51, professor of Physics, as dean of the Division of
