

Stephen E. Hefling

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Michael Tilson Thomas

T HE INEVITABLE DOOM of American musical life has been discussed with morbid relish by almost everyone concerned for years

Going Baroque

T HE GHOST OF WAGNER has rightfully been forced to abdicate his position as supreme arbiter of musical taste. "Compromise"

Cantabrigia Orchestra

T HE CANTABRIGIA Orchestra's program notes included the following observation which spoke significantly of the concert which was about to

Master Pianist

O NCE UPON A TIME, among the junior faculty of the Harvard Music Department, there was an extraordinary pianist. He

Chocolate Sauce on Asparagus

The Vermeer Quartet presented a highly commendable concert July 24--well-rehearsed, carefully controlled, and enjoyable. The three works on the program

Discordant Trios

E XCEPT UNDER the most felicitious circumstances, it nearly always happens that ensembles of the genre piano trio readily become
