

Sarah L. Bishop

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City Council Regular ‘Jonesy’ Dies at 82

William C. Jones, a Cambridge City Council regular for four decades known for his love of city politics and compassion

Women Peace-Builders Critique U.S. Policy

Three women peace-builders from Northern Ireland, Colombia and Sri Lanka criticized what they called the U.S.’s simple-minded approach to terrorism


Pulitzer Winner Promotes History

David McCullough, Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer and the face of PBS documentary “The American Experience,” said yesterday that Americans need to


Experts Criticize Proposed Military Action in Iraq

Four experts gathered last night at Boylston Hall to criticize military action against Iraq. The speakers represented a range of

AIDS Group Targets Coca-Cola

Members of the Harvard AIDS Coalition (HAC) staged a protest yesterday outside Mass. Hall, demanding that Harvard put pressure on

Esteemed Author Shares Difficulties of Translating

Celebrated author Umberto Eco captivated an overflow crowd at the Graduate School of Education’s Longfellow Hall last night, joking that
