

Nura A. Hossainzadeh

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Tawhid and Jihad

In the weeks that British engineer Ken Bigley was held captive in Iraq, I prayed that the gang that held

Human Before Anything Else

Especially this time of year, I just can’t help feeling a little conspicuous. I often wonder if people on the

Medical School Wins $45 Million Research Grant

Harvard Medical School (HMS) has won a $45 million government grant to research anthrax and other bioterrorist threats. The National

Watson and Crick’s Discovery of DNA Double Helix Turns 50

James Watson and Francis Crick worked out the structure of the DNA double-helix at Cambridge University, announcing their much-celebrated discovery

Professor Seeks Answers to Billion-Year-Old Riddle

Everyone knows that the universe began billions of years ago with the Big Bang. But for the past 20 years,

UNICEF Director Urges Unity

Citing a lack of cooperation between the private and public sectors and a disregard for the opinions of young people,

Master To Head Astronomy Society

Clowes Professor of Science and Quincy House Master Robert P. Kirshner has been tapped to become the 40th president of


Column Rehashes Stereotypes of Islam

To the editors: In the last few decades, as the Muslim population in America has grown, so too have the

Minority Health Director Points to Gap in Care

Policymakers should work harder to improve health care given to minorities, a prominent politician told students and faculty members at

Studies Conflict on Health Effect of Mercury-Laden Fish

Eating fish with high levels of toxic mercury does not lead to heart attacks, a study by the Harvard School

Holiday Shoppers Seek Sales in Square

Despite fears of tough economic times, shoppers flocked to Harvard Square Friday to start off their holiday shopping with books,

Panels Tackles Digital Learning

Professors, students and alums debated how the Internet should reshape Harvard’s campus in a two-day conference this weekend. The conference,

Janitors Celebrate Gains in Contract With Harvard

Harvard janitors, friends and supporters gathered to celebrate and underscore their achievements over the past year during a party at

Stem Cell Research Holds Promise for Heart Disease Damaged Heart Tissue

In a significant finding that may ultimately prolong the life of heart attack victims, a team of researchers at the

West Makes Brief Return

Former Fletcher University Professor Cornel R. West ’74 returned yesterday for his first public appearance at Harvard since his departure
