

Stanley J. Friedman

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Instinct Is Key to Line Play, Says Coach Kopp

If Harvard beats Boston University today, chances are that the victory will he at least partly due to the efforts

Unlimited Tutorial Is Dying in Most Departments, Crimson Poll Reveals

Like nickel beers, breakfast table education, and free parking in Cambridge, the undergraduate tutorial system as it existed before the

Crimson Five Seeks Second Victory Against Brown Hoopsters Tonight

Smarting from Tuesday's defeat by Holy Cross, Coach Hill Barclay's Varsity quintet will attempt to resume winning ways this evening

Mariaschin Chosen as New Cage Captain

Saul Mariaschin '47, of Dunster House and Brooklyn, N. Y., was elected captain of the Varsity basketball team by the

Sports of the Crimson

Go up into the Indoor Athletic Building any afternoon in the week if, you want to see what kind of

Sluggish Crimson Varsity Tops Coast Guard 40-20

In a game marked only by listless, sloppy play, the Crimson Varsity stumbled to a 40 to 20 win over
