

Paul Sack

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Bill Bingham should have booked "The Curious Savage" for the stadium this weekend when he canceled the Stanford game. He

Green Triumphs, 59-47, Crushes Crimson Hopes

Bill Bingham was the only Harvard man at the Boston Garden who had anything to smile about last night. He

Dartmouth Men Live Sociable, Woodsy Life Undergrads Learn Poise in Liquory, Girl-Soaked Weekends

Dartmouth men take their college seriously from the time they don their green beanies as freshmen to the sad day

Professor Pound's Teaching Career at an End

Roscoc Pound has given his last class at Harvard. From Professor Pound's casual office in the stacks of Langdell Library,

Sports of the Crimson

Finding a place to play golf in a strange community is a job that requires the patience of Job and

Network, Founded by Crimson, Finds Sex Has Radio Appeal, Severs Link to Breakfast Daily by Name Change to W HRV

When the Crimson Network decided to take on the dignified name of "Harvard Radio Network" last week, it severed the

Bach Choir Makes Debut Saturday Beside Infant Chamber Orchestra

Newest member of the University's musical family--already numbering band, glee club, and the Pierish Sodality's full scale orchestra about its

Advocate Voice to be Heard Tomorrow as Three Year's Wartime Silence Comes to Overdue End

An eighty year old tradition will see its revival tomorrow when the Harvard Advocate, the University's oldest publication, takes to


Harvard men who have been clamoring for their college's return to formal sports had their answer Saturday, and at came
