

Hanne-maria Maijala

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High-Tech Wreck

P AUL VERHOEVEN'S thriller opens with a shot of a screen-sized spider devouring its helpless prey. The movie ends on

Singing in the Rain

I F Purple Rain were the "classic love story between a struggling musician and a beautiful singer dancer" its publicity


"A LL MODERN American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Ernest Hemingway

No Thrills

P ART PARODY, PART TRIBUTE, Confidentially Yours is essentially an exploration of the director's divided feelings about the American thriller.

Foregone Conclusion

A MERICANS IN PARIS or parisians in America are nothing new. The results have run the gamut from Gene Kelly


C OMBINING THE TALENTS of Dudley Moore and Mary Steenburgen with those of veteran director Arthur Hiller would seem to

Prime Time Doomsday

L IFE IS A CABARET, death a blast, and apocalypse in Burgess' twenty-sixth novel or "entertainment," as he labels it.

Utah Freeze-Out

J OAN MICHELIN SILVER'S Chilly Scenes of Winter is not an exuberant movie. The location is Salt Lake City, and
