

Paul Cohen

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Task Force To Explore Supermarket Proposal

The Cambridge City Ordinance Committee set up a Task Force last night to further investigate a proposal by Stop and

Alewife Project Almost Clear

A Cambridge City Ordinance Committee vote last night should clear a hurdle for builders to develop a 370-acre region of

Kennedy School Exhibit Depicts Holocaust

Forty posters portraying a photographic and narrative history of the Holocaust were displayed in the Forum at the Kennedy School

Rush Calls For Aid to Blacks

Economic investment in Black communities is critical to opening up the middle class to more Black Americans, U.S. Representative Bobby

Panel: Manage Iran Terrorism Threat

Four panelists examined terrorism and how it can be "managed" before an audience of about 50 at the Kennedy School

Japan Society Presidents Elected

The Harvard-Radcliffe Japan Society last night elected Hiroyu Hatano '95 and Justin L. Massengale '96 as its new co-presidents on

Roof Leaks Annoy First-Years

Residents of the upper floors of a Canaday Hall entryway last week sent letters to top University officials to complain

Kirkland House Tops Poll

More first-years say they want to live in Kirkland than in any other house, according to a poll conducted by

Dems. Back Clinton

In an attempt to gather support for President Clinton's economic plan, the Harvard-Radcliffe College Democrats have started distributing fact sheets

Discussion Provokes Clash

A human rights activist and a scholar clashed yesterday in a discussion at the Law School on humanitarian intervention in

Blues Foundation Raises $30K

A pilot curriculum aimed at breaking down racial barriers in Boston-area high schools received a large financial boost last night
