

Simon J. Frankel

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Academia's Angst

T OM WOLFE once said that the experience of being a graduate student was so excruciatingly painful that he and

Costly Losers

B LARING HEADLINES last week trumpeted the news that a new financial plan had been worked out to save the

Stepping Back From the Brink

T HERE IS A SENSE OF DESPAIR in recent writing on the nuclear armaments dilemma. The works continue to arouse

Freud Revised

B ooks which tell us that the work of the intellectual pioneers that we have come to idolize was actually

Fruit of the Tainted Tree

E THYLENE dibromide (EDB) is not a household word, but Duncan Hines, Betty Crocker and Wonder Bread are. So when

Out for Blood

W ith so many cherished myths falling by the wayside, being told Margaret Mead was wrong about Samoa doesn't come

Ethical Difficulties

O UTSIDE of the legal profession, not too many heads were turning in February when the American Bar Association met

Bon Voyage

W HEN FRANCOISE SAGAN, the celebrated French novelist, was hospitalized in the late 1970s for what turned out to be

A Life in Medicine

M OST CREATURES' brains secrete a simple substance which acts as the brain's own painkiller. Why should such an effective

Why We Are What We Are

F EW SCIENTISTS WOULD tackle the subject of this book "Why we are what we are, why we do what

Bureaucratic Blindness

G OVERNMENT AGENCIES assigned a particular task often pursue it with a single-mindedness, an inertia, that precludes any kind of
