

Godffrey S. Williams

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Boston Mayor Will Kick Off Hong Kong Week

Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino will speak today at the opening ceremony of Hong Kong Week, a seven-day conference sponsored

Alums Win Beavis and Butt-Head Contest

Former Quincy House roommates David A. Javerbaum '93 and Adam D. Taxin '93 won the national MTV Beavis and Butt-Head

Asante Speaks About Black History

Molefi Kete Asante, creator of the nation's first accredited African American Studies doctoral program, defended his philosophy of Afrocentrism in

Playboy Plans to Showcase Ivy League Women

Representatives from Playboy Magazine plan to visit Harvard this April to interview women interested in posing for their upcoming "Women

Students Mourn Riot Victims

More than 100 people held a silent vigil outside the Gutman Library yesterday, ringing a bell for the approximately 60

Blarney From the Hibernians

P ARADES IN NEW YORK City are always an extravagant affair--from ticker tape parades for astronauts to the Macy's Thanksgiving
