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U.C. Spirit Week Ends, Overlooked by Many

The Undergraduate Council's first Harvard-Yale Spirit Week ended yesterday, but many students said they never even noticed the dress-up days

Harvard Mourns Victims of Holocaust

Liza Kaufman. Hugo Kaufman. Richard Kaufman. Emma Katz. Frieda Katz. These were some of the approximately 14,400 Holocaust victims' names

Seeing From Within

Jack L. Chen has been blind since the tenth grade. But he doesn't want to talk about it. He'd rather

Balancing a Tight Budget Isn't Always Easy, Students Say

With students shelling out thousands of dollars for tuition and fees, the occasional cafe stop or CD purchase often doesn't

Facing Death, Embracing Life

The day before Thanksgiving, the doctors told Brent J. Foster '97 that the cancer he has been fighting for eight

Survey Cores a New Curriculum Vision

If History 10, an introductory survey of Western history and culture, becomes a core class next year, it could represent

Mono Common, But Often Misdiagnosed

When R. Geordie Hyland '98 arrived at Harvard, he was excited to play hockey. But in mid-October, he started feeling

Authors Read for Homeless

Nearly 1000 people filled Sanders Theater last night to listen to three famous authors who read from or discussed their

Award-Winning Chef Cooks at Currier

While most Harvard students feasted on eggplant parmesan or Scandinavian-style vegetables last night, Currier House residents were treated to pan-roasted

Student Reaction: Apathy, Gloating

Tuesday, for the first time in 40 years, the Republicans took over control of the U.S. House of Representatives. And

Parents of Frosh to Hit Yard Today

Vacuum cleaners hummed from Pennypacker to Weld yesterday as first-years prepared for the more than 1000 parents who will occupy

Senate Race: A Younger Face

With only one week until election day and their fiery debates of last week fading to the back of voters'

Ito Asks for Law School Briefs

Many at Harvard have been following the ubiquitous O.J. Simpson drama on television. But a few first-year Law School students

At Columbia, Piano Man's Cheap

While Harvard students forked over $27.50 to hear Billy Joel speak in Sanders Theatre last week, Columbia undergraduates paid just

Research Group Gives $1M for Life Sciences

A medical research organization announced Tuesday that it would award Harvard a $1 million grant to improve undergraduate life-science education.
