

Peter Kolodziej

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Our Lady of the Country Club

S OLICITING MONEY and prayer at ungodly hours, Jim Bakker, star of PTL, "Praise the Lord" Club, preaches a country-club

Impossible Dreams

S IPPING COLD, WEAK TEA in his unheated room, professor Jakob, the unlikely hero of Russell McCormmach's new novel, feels

Loaded But Human

E J. KAHN, JR. '37 seems to peer through The New Yorker logo's snooty and nostalgic lorgnette at sooty skyscrapers.

The Shape of Our Times

I N JANSON's History of Art, it is written that turn-of-the century painters saw in cubism "a special affinity with

Confident Impotence

V IDEO GAMES FLATTEN BOREDOM. They project the banality of the assembly line onto two-dimensional electronic hallucinogenics. Their garish griminess

No Hand-Outs

W E ENDORSE increased minority participation in the Harvard Law Review. Such growth, must not, however, spring from any minority-conscious

Harvard Band Members Defend Their Halftime Humor Shows

The Council of Ivy Group Presidents' recent advice that the schools' bands curtail sexual innuendo and political jokes of "questionable
