

Frederic Ballard

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Summer Chorus

Sanders Theatre holds 1200 persons; this many together with a good hundred extra came to the theatre for the concert

Brandeis Players

The first half of last Monday's concert was a delight; the rest, a puzzle. The Brandeis players produced a more-than-competent

2000 Copies Of 'Crimson' Read at Penn

PHILADELPHIA, February 27--A team of CRIMSON editors and Swarth-more College undergraduates distributed 2000 copies of Monday's CRIMSON here today, as

Admissions Seen No Obstacle GSAS Merger

A potential drawback to the Harvard, Radcliffe GSAS merger evaporated yesterday as W. J. Bate '39, chairman of English Department,

Sullivan Lead Tennis Team

colleges as evenly matched Big Three, athletics is often of waiting for that one of every two or three when

High Democrat Registration Raises Party's Prospects in Pennsylvania

(This is the first of a series of articles which CRIMSON editors will examine political prospects in key states the
