

H. G. Dillingham.

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University Cheering Notice.

Everyone should be in the Square promptly at 4 o'clock this afternoon to cheer the track team.

Applications to Go in the Launch,

Applications for going out in the "John Harvard" should be made in a book provided for that purpose at Thurston's.

Applications to Go in the Launch.

Applications for going out in the "John Harvard" should be made in a book provided for that purpose at Thurston's.

Applications to Go in the Launch.

Men wishing to go out in the launch should sign their names in a book at Thurston's before 3 P.

University Cheering Notice.

Everyone should be in the Square promptly at 3.45 o'clock this afternoon to cheer the baseball team.

University and 1907 Rowing.

Men will report today at usual hours. There will be no rowing Monday.

Freshman Rowing Notice.

All Freshmen who reported yesterday for club class crews, and any other Freshmen who have not yet handed in their

1907 Club Class Crew Candidates.

All Freshmen who were dropped from the Freshman class crew squad and other Freshmen desiring to row on the club

Time for University Rowing.

Men report at same hours as yesterday until otherwise notified.

University and 1907 Crew Squads

The University crew squad will be divided into the following groups for practice today. Men will report promptly at the

Time of University Rowing Changed.

Men who reported at 2.30 o'clock yesterday, report at 11.30 o'clock. All others report at same time as yesterday.

University Crew Notice.

A slight change has been made in the groups of the University crew squad. Men are to report promptly as

University Crew Notice.

The University crew squad has been divided into the following groups. Men will report promptly at the following hours: 11

Freshman Crew Notice.

The following forty-seven men have been retained on the Freshman rowing squad and will report dresses to row promptly at

University Crew Squad Notice.

The following members of the University crew squad must procure membership tickets to one of the boat clubs and get
