

Michael E. Joachim

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'Excessive Ethnocentric Behavior is Dysfunctional'

Are minority student groups inherently ethnocentric and separatist? Or do they provide a cultural haven that supplements other student activities?

Former Square Mainstays Will Return To Mass. Ave. Building This Summer

Patrons of the long-absent Square hangout One Potato, Two Potato will once again be sipping their drinks and eating their

Schools Pass Two Budgets In Effort to Avoid Lay-Offs, Program Cuts in Fiscall986

Thanks to nearly $600,000 in additional funding, the Cambridge School Committee passed a 1986 budget last week which avoided the

School Officials Must Cut Jobs, Reduce Programs

If they are to make ends meet, school committee members and the public schools superintendent will have to cut $1.9

Hospital Construction Proposal Provokes Community Criticism

Construction proposals and community activism have always gone hand in hand in Cambridge and Mount Auburn Hospital's plan to modernize

City Council Tables Linkage Proposals, Allows Controversial Debate to Continue

Legislation which would require developers to build low-and moderate-income housing and which would have a major impact on. Harvard's future

Union Accuses Nursing Home Owner of Violations

When a representative of the Service Employees International Union, AFTCIO, said the Cantabrigia Nursing Home has "had a rough history

City Officials Fear Reagan Housing Cuts

Cambridge housing officials have predicted that the city will be hard hit if President Reagan's proposed budget cuts, announced two

Thesis Writers will Receive Reduced Rate Computer Time

Harvard's Computing Center will provide computer time and instruction at reduced rates to undergraduate thesis writers this winter. The $175

Campus Counseling

The prominence of such issues as sexual harassment and race relations this year has caused Harvard's several undergraduate peer counseling

Women Tracksters Triumph While Men Fall at Dartmouth

Miserable weather couldn't stop the Harvard women's track team from trouncing Brown and Dartmouth at Hanover Saturday, but injuries prevented

Harvard Senior Will Direct 'Winter's Tale' Off-Broadway

Harvard theater will head off-Broadway this year, thanks to the directing ability of Paul W. Warner '84. Warner's adaptation of

Three University Researchers Win $25,000 Fellowships

Three Harvard professors are among the 90 recipients of this year's Sloan Foundation Research Fellowships, which are awarded to young
