

Ariel B. Osceola

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Movie Love

In case anybody does not know this yet, sex sells. Dating back to the birth of cinema, this employment of

Fifteen Minutes: A Strange Brew at Pamplona: Waiters Wanted, Women Need Not Apply

     Established in the late 1940s, Cafe Pamplona has been an arty haven for tortured souls of Cambridge for over 50

Fifteen Minutes: Down in the Dump

For me, crossing the line between Cambridge and Somerville on Kirkland Street is always a strange thing. Stepping over that

WISHR Elects New Board Members

The Ticknor Lounge buzzed with excitement last night as the Women in Science of Harvard-Radcliffe (WISHR) were all on call

Study Links Body Size to Heart Disease

Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston have found a strong correlation between high waist-to-hip ratios in middle-aged women


The undulating rhythm of this unmistakable Boston landmark is nothing short of hypnotic. Something of an Eiffel Tower of the

if it looks like a duck

I f it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. Or so the saying

bowling with da homies

W ith all of the swing clubs becoming increasingly over-crowded, platform shoe related injuries at peak frequency and the memory

for the moment

T he buzz of the overhead fluorescent lights melds into the soft rumble of revolving ceiling fans, the hustle and

The Hotel Story

The Eliot Hotel Location: 370 Commonwealth Avenue at Massachusetts Avenue in Boston. Rating: Mobil Four Star Amenities: Multilingual concierge staff:
