

Michele R. Campbell

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Dworkin, Dershowitz Face Off Over Legality of Pornography

Pornography should be banned because it "justifies rape and prostitution by saying women want to be raped and prostituted," feminist

Schlafly, at K-School, Denounces ERA

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) critic Phyllis Schlafly charged last night that supporters of the ERA are "working to use the

Gays Protest MIT Fraternity Prank

MIT administrators are considering disciplinary action against a fraternity that staged a mock rally in Harvard Square Saturday demanding capital

Medical Program Denied New Funds

The Medical School's failure to get a supplemental grant from the federal government to fund additional positions in the school's

UMass Union Approves Pact For Higher Teacher Salaries

The University of Massachusetts Society of Professors and Faculty Staff Union (MSP-FSI) voted Wednesday night to approve a three-year contract

Peace Alliance Petitioning To Stop MX

The Harvard Radcliffe Peace Alliance is launching a petition drive with other Boston area peace groups in an effort to
