

Michael E. Balagur

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A ny regrets?" asked my roommate, as I scraped a pink eight-foot-tall naked man off the ceiling one Sunday morning

K-School Auction Nets $8520 for Internships

What do a Dan Quayle signature jacket, a piece of the Lenin statue from St. Petersburg, and one of Bette

Cuomo Addresses Economic Woes, Outlines Policies

Mario M. Cuomo delivered the perfect speech for a presidential candidate last night, but--to the disappointment of more than 800

Carnesale's Challenge

The debate over diversity at the Kennedy School of Government is intensifying this year, as students have called upon newly-appointed

Dinkins Proposes Urban Agenda

Calling the federal government's urban policy an "abandonment of its cities," New York City Mayor David N. Dinkins proposed a

Masterpieces or Misfits

As a new wave of Harvard architecture nears completion, area critics and scholars are pondering whether the buildings comprising the

Cabbie Shot in Central Sq.

A Boston taxi driver was shot by his passenger Thursday night after dropping him off in Central Square, according to

Activists Sit-In, Protest K-School Ties to Pentagon

A small but noisy group of anti-war activists, protesting Harvard's training program for national security officials, held a sit-in for

Cornell Removes Flag Ban

While the Harvard campus has been embroiled in debate this past week over the appearance of two Confederate flags and

...And yesterday's

They fought for the same cause when they walked through Harvard Yard, but more than 20 years later, three anti-Vietnam

Gameroom to Be Nixed In Elsie's Renovations

The roast beef jumbos will taste the same, but the trademark ambience will be a little different next week, when
