

Josiah LEE Auspitz

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Nigeria Changes Epithets

The flatfooted dismay with which enlightened liberal opinion in this country and Britain first greeted the coup in Nigeria is

General Education: The Program To Preserve Harvard College

What the Supreme Court does periodically for American law and the Party Congresses do for the development of Soviet Marxism,

The Harvard Review

By devoting this issue to a discussion of "Drugs and the Mind," the editors of the Harvard Review remind us

A Milder View

It is certainly very exciting to discuss the HCUA's rejection of the constitution of the African and Afro-American Association in

A More Perfect Union

Anyone who has observed the daily mixer without music in Widener's reading room will agree that the University badly needs

My Poll

I have taken a representative election poll of eleven Harvard students and Faculty members from all walks of life and

The Threepenny Opera

The biting satire of the play notwithstanding, the final joke of The Threepenny Opera seems to be on the authors.

The Gargoyle

For all their gray earnestness and self-importance, Harvard people want to laugh. Their critical broadsides are reserved for those works

Leary Analyzes Work On Psilocybin Effects, Praises Mystical View

Timothy Leary, lecturer in Clinical Psychology, last night discussed the use of drugs which induce an expansion of experience. In

H. Stuart Hughes

H. Stuart Hughes has a disarming way of prefacing his books with confessions. With a good measure of courage and

Chicken Little

One day while Chicken Little was cultivating his garden, a piece of sky fell down and hit him in the

Project Jarba

Understandably, the officers of Phillips Brooks House are enthusiastic about Project Jarba, for the project in Jordan is a noble


Comment is getting there; this year's second (November) issue is better looking than the first and, on the whole, better

The U.S. and Europe

Let us begin with a rule of thumb for analyzing international alliances: When two or more sovereign powers are uncommonly


Comment is not a good-looking magazine as student publications go, nor, sorry to say, is it very well-written. But it
